No matter what level of team you have this time of year can seem overwhelming and sometimes like work. We at the league have FUN as the second word of our motto for a reason. It’s important to make sure your team is having as much fun as possible for coaches, athletes, and parents. So your probably wondering what can be fun about registration, ordering apparel, and collecting team fees? Make registration fun by showing pictures of success’s from past seasons. Find small things to give away such as team caps and league pins. The more engaging you can be with your team the more fun they will have.
Hopefully you’ve picked up our recommendation in the schedule that mentions having a fun shoot, team picnic, or party. Your athletes and coaches work hard all season and deserve to have that much needed release at the end of the year. Consider hosting a fun shoot where athletes instruct coaches? Possibly have your athletes invite teachers from the school and offer them a chance at our favorite sport. Annie Oakley is a great way to have athletes of all skill levels enjoying time at the range. If there is one thing I have learned while coaching youth it’s that you need to make it fun for them.