Define Competitive versus Recreational

The second year of your team bring new challenges including how you will coach your team and how competitive your teams wants to be in the League. Most teams have fun and compete at a very moderate and recreational level in the first year, this changes quickly as your athletes continue to grow in the number of members and their shooting skill levels.IMG_2159

  1. Meet with your coaching staff to determine how you will coach both advanced and intermediate shooters.
  2. You may need to structure your staff so that you can meet the needs of all shooters.
  3. Offer advanced shooters the opportunity to shoot with others of their skill level. These shooters will have the fundamentals mastered and be looking to compete at a very high level.
  4. Offer intermediate shooters the opportunity to shoot with others of their skill level. These shooters will need help with the fundamentals and may not necessarily want to compete for a high score.
  5. Cadence, timing, and attitude play a big role in the success of your athletes so pay attention to more than just your athlete’s weekly scores.
  6. Create performance goals with your athletes and monitor via the Shooter Performance Tracker™ or in your team scoring report in your Team Management System™.
  7. Keep a fair balance of competitive and recreational shooters. Too many of one can cause disruption and separation of the team.
  8. Offer coaches the opportunity to coach the athletes they feel comfortable with. Not everyone on your staff is qualified to teach both ends of the spectrum.
  9. As your team continues to grow evaluate talent and needs on a yearly basis.
  10. Remember that you need to make sure that your athletes are having FUN no matter what level they are shooting at.
  11. Discuss team objectives with your school’s Athletic/Activities Director.
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