Conduct Fundraising Efforts

Second year teams generally try and improve from their first season, and along with a new set of goals comes the financial need to meet them. Fundraising can be very helpful to reach those goals, but it can also very complicated. It’s important to meet with your volunteer group and decide what you will be fundraising for and why.IMG_4872

  1. Below are some items that fundraising efforts can help purchase:
    • Athlete registration fees – for entry to the League
    • Ammunition – for competition and practice
    • Rounds of targets – for competition and practice
    • Team apparel – shirts, hats, vests, shooting pouches and more
    • Tournaments – registration and travel
    • Coach training – classes and certification
    • Banquet – tickets, raffle, food, awards
  2. There are many reasons to raise money for the team, but it’s important to select fundraisers that are easy to manage and beneficial to both the team and athletes individually.
  3. As the head coach you have enough work just managing the team. Fundraising should be a position in your team structure that receives help from many different sources.
  4. Fundraisers need to be fun and can be something that a team works at together. Fundraising events traditionally seem to more fun and beneficial versus door to door sales.
  5. It’s very important you understand the requirements and terms for every fundraising activity. Some programs offered by outside organizations my not conform to your team’s needs in terms of money earned and when those funds need to be available.
  6. Make sure your organization is setup to legally accept donations and/or fundraising efforts. Understand the revenue and tax implications prior to considering any fundraising effort. Check with state laws for requirements.
  7. Some fundraising ideas:
    • Raffles
    • Pre-packaged food or gift programs for door-to-door sales
    • Coupon cards
    • Labor exchange with area businesses
    • Host large lunch/dinner banquets
    • Private donations
    • Team sponsorships
    • Apply for grants through local conservation groups, NRA Foundation, state wildlife agencies, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and other outdoor-related organizations that are interested in recruiting young people to the outdoors.
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